Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Movin' on up...

You've all met my husband, right?
Today, he interviewed for ... and RECEIVED... a promotion.
A very {very} much deserved promotion.
We are SOOOO proud of him!

So, we dusted off a nice bottle of wine tonight to celebrate!
Actually, we had forgotten about this bottle for a while - It came from Illuminare and was signed by the owner the first time we visited them after having Lilly "See the 'It's a Girl'"? We remembered them saying that this particular bottle isn't one to save for too many years, so it worked to open it tonight.
It. Was. Delicious.
But I digress...
Jeremy, I love you and I am so proud of you. You deserve it!


Karen said...

Yay Jeremy!!! Congratulations!!!

Suzanne said...

I'm so excited for you guys, and to find out so soon! Hurray!

Ma and Pa said...

Congratulations! WAY TO GO Jer!
Love, Mom and Dad

Natalie said...

That is awesome! Congrats Jeremy! New jobs for the whole family- sweet!