Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Look at my beautiful pregnant friends! Laura and I drove up to Phoenix on Sunday for Karen's baby shower - so fun! Don't they look great?!?

Lilly is really enjoying reading to herself even more these days - here she is with one of her many books. She has SO many, yet she is very specific about which one she wants to read at any given time... so funny!
This was just this morning, Zac was doing such a great job of reaching out and grabbing his toys.

This was the other day when Zac was having tummy time, and Lilly decided to have tummy time right next to him. Here, she leaned over to hug him, which was super cute! He was pretty much oblivious of this particular hug, but it is so cool to see how much they already love each other. He is constantly staring at her, and she always asks about him first thing in the morning when she wakes up. It's always "HI!" followed very quickly by "Baby Yac" (her version of Baby Zac).
And, this one was probably a week or so ago... but I really like how happy he is.
Hope everyone is having a nice week!


Natalie said...

So cute. The pregnant ladies and adorable baby Yak and the brother/sister dynamic makes me almost (ALMOST) feel like having another. I said ALMOST!

Natalie said...

I just realized that I spelled Yac like the animal Yak. I in no way imply that your gorgeous baby is a furry bovine from the Himalayas.

Karen said...

I can't believe how different Zac looks from when we saw him 3 weeks ago!! Scary how fast they grow!

Suzanne said...

This so makes me want to have a second baby (without all the work of course), to see all those cute hugs and love!

It is sure fun having you back to work, as little as I see you!