We started with breakfast at my parents' house. Lilly insisted on wearing the same dress that she wore last year. I should put some "flashback" photos here, but there are too many. So... you really should click HERE to see last year's post. Seriously. Do it. I'll wait.
Back? Pretty amazing huh? Anyhow, Lilly wore the same dress, but with leggings and boots. Add a similar, but new, tiara, and we have our birthday girl. What can I say? The girl loves accessorizing!
Shya and Zac enjoyed breakfast too!
Like mother like son.
After breakfast, we came home to rest. Then, a quick wardrobe change. This picture shows her new tiara. That's right, it was a "two tiara day." This one had the number 4 on it, which she really wanted.
And... we were off to Peter Piper Pizza! I had hoped to have her party at our house again, but turns out age 4 is when kids start having, like, opinions and stuff. Lilly asked months ago to have her party at PPP, so we went with it.
She had a really cool princess cake.
After she woke up we had some snacks and explored our new toys! We were also very excited to chat with grandma and grandpa Yager, Aunt Jenn and Uncle John that evening.
Birthdays are the best!
Here are a few bonus pictures of Zac and Shyla, from Monday, when daycare was closed, so I took the day off and stayed home with all three kids. It was SO much fun, and very exhausting!
Happy happy birthday to my sweet sweet girl. I'm in awe of her.