Happy 20th!
Last weekend, the kids spent the night at my parents' house one evening.
The next morning, I was able to get in a run as I jogged the 5 miles from my house to theirs. Which means they had to drive us all home. Thanks again mom and dad!
My parents clearly really wore the kids out!
Zac's blankie.
My friend Kim makes these. He has about 17. He loves one. The "ball blankie." Kim even made him a new "ball blankie" with the same fabric. Sadly, he knows the difference and only wants the original. Which is falling apart due to 2 years of abuse. Also? I clearly do NOT sew. Or at least not well.
Look at my girl crossing her little legs!
Finally, the kids have rediscovered their Disney ears. Correction - Lilly has rediscovered hers and Zacs hat, and makes Zac wear his.
He hates hats. But he'll wear these, for HER only.
I love that.
She also feeds him, like he's a baby.
I'm undecided on how I feel about that. Cute? yes. Messy? very. Necessary? no.
But... back to "cute"...
Happy happy 20th!
A Sketchbook Practice: Fruit Stickers
2 days ago